Precision Carbine
This course focuses on proper employment of a scoped carbine weapon system to its maximum capability in a dynamic environment with varying distances.
The Precision Carbine course concentrates on maintaining precision while rapidly engaging multiple targets using hold overs and other specialized marksmanship skills.
Shooters will push their rifle and themselves to the limit in a practical, real-world environment while maintaining a high level of accuracy and consistency.
The full versatility of the carbine is seldom utilized because it is more often than not viewed as a close quarters platform. As a result most courses focus on how to fight or compete at close range, but ignore how to employ your rifle towards the far end of its capability.
This 2-Day course teaches how to maximize performance when transitioning from close to long range precision engagements. Developing proper mindset and focus will increase confidence and consistency when balancing speed and accuracy at extended ranges. Engagements will uncover which optics provide the most well-rounded capabilities, which accessories work, and what equipment truly has value.
Students will be expected to negotiate stress drills designed to induce moderate physical and mental stress for short periods of time.
Although basic weapons manipulations will be covered, it is recommended students possess a solid baseline understanding of how their chosen weapon system functions.
Pillars of Firearm Safety
Rifle / Optic Setup
Scope Theory
Range Estimation
Reticle Holds
Measuring Tool
Marksmanship Fundamentals
Zeroing Procedure
Intro to Ballistics
Intro to Atmospherics
Wind Reading
Data Collection
Intro to Ballistics Calculators
Use of Cover
Advanced Engagements
Unconventional Positions
Multiple Targets
Limited Exposure
Moving Targets
Fire and Maneuver
Day 1
Starts off in the classroom with rifle/optic selection and setup. After lunch the class will zero and conduct a baseline proficiency test before progressing into marksmanship fundamentals. Day 1 concludes with another baseline proficiency to show the impact of applying proper fundamentals.
Day 2
Begins with classroom instruction on ballistics, atmospherics and effective data collection. The second part of the day will consist of on the range practical application of classroom materials and advanced engagement scenarios. The final day concludes with a culmination exercise that brings the materials taught throughout the course together.